Questions About the Merger? Hear From AED’s President 

Beverly Written by Beverly Leavitt August 30, 2024 Merger

AED Logo.

Earlier this month, we announced our upcoming merger with Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) to take place on November 1, 2024. 

Even though the merger was backed by member votes, chances are, you still have some questions. 

We sat down with Brian McGuire, AED’s President and CEO, to learn more about the association and what’s to come. 

Brian McGuire, President and CEO of AED 

Why Did AED Choose to Merge with CEDA? 

If you’ve read Brian Osterndorff’s article (Chairman of CEDA’s board), you’ll know the reasons why CEDA chose AED from among the contenders, but why did our membership appeal to AED? 

Brian McGuire answers, “First, CEDA has a large member base. Second, AED has always had an agricultural membership, but the construction dealers have outnumbered them, giving the perception we are only a construction dealer association, even though it’s not a true perception of who we are. By merging with CEDA, our ag members will grow from 30% to nearly 40%,” giving them more presence in the association. 

“Third, CEDA is a well-run organization, and Bev has done a good job of promoting engagement and loyalty among the members. To an association like ours, that’s attractive!”

“Fourth, it matches with our desire to increase our footprint in Canada.”

How Will CEDA Members be Represented with Manufacturers?

Unlike CEDA, AED represents both sides: dealers and manufacturers. 

In Brian’s words, “They’re not affiliate members or sponsors; they’re true members. Though, they don’t serve on our board.”

Historically, contracts haven’t always been fairly weighted. How will you manage that when you represent both sides? 

Brian continues, “CEDA has already carved it out in the legislation negotiated in Canada. The Farm Implements Act is one of the strongest acts, and CEDA got it passed and tested it in court. It’s our job to make sure it’s not weakened.”

Currently, the States side of the membership has access to the Call Counsel Program, which will now be extended to Canada thanks to the merger. 

“The program allows dealers to call and talk to legal counsel, have them look at your contracts, make recommendations and give explanations. It will be a bonus for our existing Canadian members that don’t already have access to this,” he explains.

Brian further clarifies, “Everyone should be educated in what they’re signing. But we’re not your people if you’re looking to have the association represent you in a lawsuit. We will, however, clarify, educate dealers and make referrals to legal counsel.”

To date, AED has played a large role in addressing the right to repair (not the right to modify) issues with manufacturers and legislature. 

What is AED’s Relationship with CFIB

At the moment, AED doesn’t have a relationship with CFIB. In the interim, they will assume and evaluate the program. 

How will AED Advocate for my Dealership? 

AED already has a strong presence in Ottawa and plans to expand to a provincial level. 

Their 30+ staff members are experts in their individual roles and will support dealers by encouraging participation in AED programs. For example, they will connect you with your local MPP and MP to set up a dealership visit. The Minister’s first-hand experience in your dealership can impact their knowledge so they’re better prepared to act on your behalf. 

On a larger scale, Brian outlines, “Canada and the United States are tied at the hip in a lot of ways.”

AED is taking an active role in trans-border issues like:

  • Training and recruiting skilled workers 
  • Educating young students about jobs in dealerships
  • The recent rail strike 

How will AED Communicate with Me? 

To start, you’ll receive a welcome kit. The territory will be split between Bev and Michael Dexter. Your regional manager will be in touch with you within the first 90 days to help you make the most of your membership. 

As a member, you’ll receive an exclusive copy of the AED Magazine ten times a year. Additionally, news and updates will be shared by email throughout the year. 

Michael Dexter - Vice President of Canadian Engagement & Board Relations

How Does the Membership Work? 

CEDA members will automatically be gifted a 14-month membership, 2 months longer than a regular term. 

“We are very conscious that there will be change, which is always nervewracking when you’re the person affected by the change. We’re going to overcommunicate initially to help assimilate CEDA members and make them more comfortable with their membership.”

Shortly after your membership ports over, you’ll have the opportunity to join the annual meeting in January in Orlando, Florida.

“We’re excited to earn your membership and have you on board!” exclaims Brian. 

How Can I Learn More About AED? 

Start by checking out their website,

Next, join the new advisory committee, designed to help share your knowledge and experience with AED so they can better serve you going forward. 

Email us to express your interest.